Overview & About KJK


Why do some people feel things more intensely than others? Why do certain things effect some people more than others? Why do some people overly care about things that they have no control over. Why do our minds race with the same type of thought over and over again. Why do some people have more physical pain than others with the same issue? What role does the Central Nervous System and it’s ability to restore itself nighty with sleep play in this? What Neurotransmitters and Electrical Impulses may be imbalanced and causing issues? What happens during restorative sleep that CST can help?  Why does physical pain turn to emotional pain and vice-versa?  Are these the reasons for some of the chronic pain, stress, anxiety, sleep, and other disorders? These are some of the questions I will be blogging about here.  Also, my own adventure of medical treatments and diagnosis and how I have been able to manage them best.   I also will have case studies of clients with CST and how they have been able to manage their bodies as well.


Kelly Jocelyn Kreis was born in 1980 and according to her parents always was saying “I have an idea”, or “What about…” from a young age.  Hearing this, I know why I always want to find out more information and am always striving to learn more or a better way about something.  Through my own injury in my neck I have come to wonder a lot about the Central Nervous System and the Emotional and Physical components to Inflammation, Pain, Sleep, Anxiety and Stress, Fibromyalgia, and other such syndromes.  Through CST I have become more interested with the CSF, our internal energy driving force, and tissue trauma and SER.  I hope people can use this blog as information for themselves and to know that they are not alone in their healing and managing of their dysfunctions.

 Yes that is a support band by my elbow, it helps hold my ulnar nerve in a better position so that my arm doesn’t hurt as much on a bad “Fibroflare” day so I can still work and feel good 🙂

How do I feel about religion and spiritual aspects of healing?


I feel that all religions are connected within nature, so, no matter what your mind believes, your soul and energy are all connected to the same nature and universal energies that run up through the center of our spine and connect us to the Earth below and the Universal Energies above.  Traditional Chinese Medicine, Indian energy healing using the chakra’s, and many tribal and older ancestral healing’s have no explanation…I see miracles everyday for people when we are able to work together and tap into this healing realm or spirituality and energy that you can’t see but can feel.  When combined with our medicine here the results can be unbelievable.

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2 Responses to Overview & About KJK

  1. Tim England says:

    loved reading about your thought on healing and your blog will definitely be followed on a regular basis, the comments you have made are how my thoughts have been for a long time with daily work related tiredness n the odd strained muscle, now I have fibromyalgia I have found self help far better than any dr or pills,
    Thank you so much for telling me of your blog, it’s great to have someone that understands this dreaded condition leading the way

    • RENOVA says:

      Thanks so much Tim, I am so happy that another fibrofriend has found it helpful and that your thoughts are similar, we are getting closer to figuring out something!

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